Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekly Reflection 4..

Arithmetic Operators

+  = add
-  = subtraction
*  = multiply
/  = divide
%  = modulus
^  = power

Relational Operators

<      greater / more than
>      less than
<=   greater / more than and equal
>=   less than and  equal
= =  equal to!

Logical Operators

&&  and
||  or
! not

Increment & Decrement

  • pre-increment  (++N)
  • post-increment  (N++)
  • pre-decrement (--N)
  • post-decrement (N--)
Example :

int n;
n = 5,
cout<<n; 5
cout<<++n; 1+5
cout>>n; 6

int n;
n = 5
cout<<n; 5
cout<<n++; 5+1
cout<<n; 6

int m;
m = 10
cout<<m; 10
cout<<m--; 10-1
cout<<m; 9

int m;
m = 9
cout<<m; 9
cout<<m--; 8
cout<<m; 8

Logical Operators

m  n  m&&n  m||n
0  0        0        0
0  0        0        1
1  0        0        1
1  1        1        1

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